Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fall Colors and 11,749 Ft.

The beautiful fall colors were evident as we hiked up to the summit of Mt. Timpanogos, the second highest peak in the Wasatch Range at 11,749 feet. Three friends from work and I headed out at 8:00 am on a beautiful, but chilly Saturday morning. Four hours later we were sitting on top of the mountain looking at amazing views in all directions. To our west we really got a peek at some fall color as the reds were remarkable. The temps at the top were near freezing, (yes, 32 degrees) with the wind chill, as the wind was blowing about 30 miles per hour with gusts to 40. Fortunately, the wind was blowing into the mountain, instead of blowing us off of it! We ate lunch at the saddle prior to the final push to the summit and then, after a brief, very cold, few minutes at the top, headed back down. Total time on the mountain: 8 hrs. 15 min. About 7:45 of hiking time. Afterward a couple of beers and some food at the Porcupine - a great day!

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