Saturday, January 5, 2008

Another weekend, more snow... Yahoo!!!

Well another weekend and more snow on the way!!! Forecasts of 1-3 FEET of snow this weekend in the mountains and 6-10" here on the benches are making it tough to train. Though going up the hill and skiing pow all day gives the legs quite a workout. The hypoxic training of mouthfuls of snow making those sweet silent floating turns more than makes up for not running. Anyway we seem to be in a great pattern of storm, after storm, with more than 3 storms predicted this week.
Unfortunately, Ironman CDA is on the way, now just a short 24 weeks away. That means my days of skiing all day are going to shrink down to half days with some skating done afterwards. Powder days are untouchable however. So, I leave you with thoughts of snow, powder and thus far an epic ski season!!


Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
Very jealous;-( We took Joe up to Willamette Pass area to do some sledding. Very beautiful will have to go back to snowshoe. Have fun and enjoy the snow.


Rich said...

Hey Lou!! Glad to hear you are out exploring. Rich waxed poetic on that post didnt he?? heehee. Miss you guys, especially snowboarding with you at Solitude.

Take care, hi to Laurie for me.
