Monday, April 21, 2008

Active Weekend

Indeed, it was an active weekend! Friday was the usual, a light workout, an easy 3 mile run for me to stay loose and ready for the half marathon Saturday. Saturday was the Salt Lake City Half Marathon. It was a really nice day, about 40 or so at the start and finishing at probably high 60s and sunny, fortunately, still early enough not to have experienced the really really strong winds that came in in the afternoon - would've been very hard to run in that, let alone breathe the dusty air. I am happy to report that I had an excellent race! I ran my best time, and in fact, took ELEVEN minutes off my time from last year, that is huge. I finished in 2 hours and 2 seconds! I was 23rd out of 123 in my age group. I'm feeling pretty pleased with that! :-) Afterwards, I came home and recuperated before going with Rich to meet some friends to bike and hike. Rich mountain biked with Ian (Tammy's husband), Chris, and Andy, and I hiked with Tammy and Tara. We girls hiked for two and a half hours and the boys rode. It was an easy hike, but definitely was feeling it after the race!! Good thing that Tammy is 8 months pregnant, that slowed her down to a normal person's pace! She's amazing. Saturday night, Tammy and I went to a little party for our director and another teacher who are leaving while the guys hung out at Tam and Ian's. Sunday was a leisurely day of cleaning the house, napping, cleaning, watching a movie, cleaning... and finally off the couch and a walk to the grocery store (about 2 miles round trip). Rich did a long trail run for about an hour and a half for his Ironman training - go Rich! :-) Monday, a nice easy bike ride to stretch my legs...


Laura said...

Holy mackerel! Don't you ladies ever sit around and eat junk food??? Tammy looks great!

Rich said...

LOL! No, not much! :-) Yeah, Tammy's an animal - she's amazing!