Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Running ....

"Strength does not come from physical capacity - it comes from an indomitable will." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

I feel as if it will take an indomitable will to achieve my next goal. The issue is not only that it's a lofty goal, but that I've been suffering an injury while training and hoping that my leg will get to the finish. It seems I have this kind of luck when training for big events, doesn't it? What is the event? The Mid Mountain Marathon. This is a 26.2 mile race at 8,000 feet on singletrack trail in the mountains around Park City. Sound crazy? I think it sounds like fun! I love trail running - the quiet of the mountains or woods, few people, beautiful sights. Nothing but the sound of your feet slap slapping against the dirt. Cool breezes in your face and unparalleled scenery to keep you company. The miles go by quickly, you hardly even notice them.

So, about a month ago I got a tear in my Achilles tendon where it attaches to the calf muscle, mid-calf. Kept me from running for about a week then I slowly started to run - short distances, flat, no trails. Of course, this is now interrupting my training schedule and I'm freaking out about not being ready, and about further injuring the tear. I've been icing, massaging and stretching like crazy. Trails and uphills flare it up, but it not too awfully bad. I managed an 18 mile run last Saturday without too much trouble, hopefully, I can continue. A "rest" week this week, a 20 miler next week and then the taper to the race September 12. Wish me luck!!


Laura said...

Good luck!

Rich said...

Thanks, Laura - I'm gonna need it!!