Sunday, September 25, 2011

Star gazing

Not really what you think. This weekend the USA national Xterra off-road triathlon championships were held at Snowbasin ski resort in Ogden. About an hour for us, just to the north. This is where the 2002 Olympic Downhill course was. Still haven't skied there yet in 9 years... but I digress. Anyway we went up because some guy by the name of LANCE was racing. Funny, how that goes, when he shows up so do the crowds. It was estimated and extra 3000 people were there. So, what does a 7x Tour de France winner expect when he races against the top Xterra athletes in the world? Well, I guess he is not really intimidated!!

Lance on the last downhill
Apparently he was out of the swim in the first pack, then finished the bike in 4th overall, and actually ran 10k and only lost one place!! The man can run too!! I would say a pretty impressive finish, considering he is not really known for running anymore. Yeah, I know he used to be a triathlete before the bike thing. But come-on, that was like 20+ years ago. How many of you can say you are as fast now as you were 20 years ago! A good show!! He was beat (soundly) by a Frenchman (ironic huh!) Nico Lebrun, who just flew over the run course, from 3rd to first. Followed by a South African (Dan Hugo), then an American (Josiah Middaugh), then "the Caveman", Conrad Stolz. Too bad Lance is not admitting to racing in the World Chaampionships in Maui, though the rumor is he has scouted the course, from his home in Maui. We'll see.

Not only can he ride uphill.. he runs too!
Nico Lebrun.. The WINNER!!
Be nice to have the tire actually ON the rim!!

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