Saturday, July 14, 2007


Rich and Laura requested some fire photos after Rich talked about the smoke in the valley and his inability to exercise because of it. For those that dont know, out west it's fire season. We had a few pretty severe fires but this Milford Flats fire is the grandaddy of them all. It started by lightning and within 24 hours burned over 100,000 acres. As of last Thursday it was well over 300,000 acres. The smoke was so extensive it carried into the valley here. (Milford area is probably about 2 hours south). The small picture on the left is what it looked like in our valley. It's crazy. The worst part of it is that the area that burned is the winter grazing area for many ranchers, without an area to graze their cattle, they are really in trouble. Many of them will have to either sell off their herds and go out of business or go broke buying hay to feed them, not a great choice. The first big picture is a fire that stared just south of our house, just past Little Cottonwood Canyon, started by a kid with fireworks. Fortunately, they got that one contained pretty quickly. This is the view as we looked back on our way up high for a bike ride. To read more about the big fire and see many more really awesome pictures click here: there are photo galleries, you'll notice, about half way down the page.