Monday, December 25, 2006


Santa is real.. and he likes CARBON!!!! After waking up and getting in the coffee we settled down to open the gifts and what do you know, but up shows a P2Cwith DuraAce 10!!!

Now I have no excuses not to train and go real fast!!!

After lots of waffles and staring at the bike, we finally made it out of the house for the long arduous, 8 mile drive to Alta, were the 3 of us skied for the day. Taught Kathy most of the day. Got lots of time in the sun and warmth (40 today). Another 12K vertical, then home for the Ham roasting. All and all it was a great holiday weekend. Lots of family skiing, great presents and good friends!! Karen and Kathy are off to the south for a few days, and I get to stay and work. I actually need the break from the last 4 days of skiing, I hope everyone had a great Merry Christmas and we hope to see you all soon!!!
(there are additional stories and pics on the website)



Anonymous said...

Boy, those elves have come a long way from wooden toys.


Anonymous said...

crafty little devils aren't they? Always learning new skills!!
