Sunday, December 17, 2006

Michigan Morning, Utah Afternoon

What an incredible day! It has snowed nonstop since the middle of last night and we now have about 8 inches at our house. What else to do but ski! This morning I met Kathy, after she called to say she had a "Michigan Moment". She went hiking around Wheeler Farm and it totally reminded her of Michigan. She called to suggest a little cross country skiing - of course! Wheeler Farm is a really great place with lots of wooded acres and a farm with animals, there are geese and ducks everywhere. It's really nice, totally reminded me of Hudson Mills, back home.

In the afternoon I decided to get up the mountain to ski! My first day out and it was a blissful powder day! Man, the snow was amazing - deep and fluffy! SO much fun. I only skiied for a couple of hours but I'm so glad I did. I only wish I had tomorrow off of work so that I can go back into the deep snow in the sunlight (snowing the whole time I was up there!) Yep, a Michigan morning and a Utah afternoon. Nice.

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