Friday, January 5, 2007


Today I return from the hospital after getting this little device implanted in my heart. The procedure was completed with no complications and a full recovery is expected. The Amplatzer device is designed to "plug" a hole in the atrial septum (between the top two chambers of the heart), they thread two catheters, one up each big vein from your groin to your heart. to implant the device. One catheter has an ultrasound on the end of it so they can see what they are doing, the other, bigger, one, has the device stuck on the end of it. The device closes around the hole (of which, they measure the size of with a little balloon) like two sides of button that snaps together. I have to take it real easy for a few days, then back to normal "everyday" activitiy... walking, driving, and moving about. No real exercise for a month. Crazy, isnt it?


Anonymous said...

Great to learn that all went well.

Laura said...

You should sign your blog so we know who's getting stuff put in their heart. If I didn't know you, I wouldn't know who's doing what!

Rich said...

Hmmm, good point. :-) Still learning!