Saturday, June 16, 2007

In General....

Well, here are some photos of John & Marty's visit, finally. Unfortunately, we dont have any from inside Timpanogos Cave. Pics are from the ride on the train, and of the drive through the canyons around Timpanogos. Got word from Kathy - she is doing great! She made it to Laramie, about 400 miles, with no problems and feeling very good. She was really nervous when she took off yesterday morning but is feeling strong and comfortable now. She stayed with a friend in Laramie and will make her way across the country to MI from there. It's a laid back weekend for us - hot. 100 degrees today and the air quality is bad, so we will run early and put off mountain biking until tomorrow when it is cooler (85). We are going to the theatre tonight to see Salt Lake Acting Company's, "Saturday Voyeur". SV is a great musical play that we go to most every year. It is a spoof on Utah politics and culture and is usually really funny, focusing on events, or one big event, that has been in the news a lot. This one is "The Rocky Show", making the mayor its focus as this is his last year in office. Fun!!

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