Monday, June 11, 2007

Motorcycle Mama!

Check out the picture of Kathy the studette!! She is planning on riding across the country to visit friends and family on her new motorcycle, pretty sweet, ay? Hopefully she can keep me posted on some of her travels and I can post here. We had a great weekend. Saturday was just a productive day with lots of yard work, painting the back fence and running. Sunday we hiked to Lake Blanche in Big Cottonwood Canyon and it was soooo beautiful. 2580 feet elevation gain in 2.8 miles (one way). Steep but so worth it. The lake is situated in an amazing bowl of mountains with some of the most beautiful rock around - lots of places to lay around and enjoy the scene and the company. Sunday night, Kathy and I went to Red Butte Gardens for the first of the concert series to see Susan Tedeschi - a perfect way to relax and recover from a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Cool man!!

how about the hot mama writing this?!


Laura said...

Yes....Kathy needs to blog her motorcycle adventures!

Rich said...

Agreed, although I'm not sure if she'll even have a computer with her, or access. Hopefully she'll email or call once in a while and I can relay her adventures!